Who played the bee’s role in “Honey, I Shrunk The Kids!” movie for those that remember it?
It really isn’t fair… we never heard the bee’s side of the story! Now calm down! I’m not a PETA bee enthusiast, but let’s face it, our pets sometimes need to mind their own beeswax… :o) Pun Absolutely Intended! They are curious little creatures and love to stick their noses where they sometimes don’t belong! No, I’m not referring to the “awkward” conveniently placed anatomy sniffs at large dogs’ nose levels… I’m referring to the outside… in nature! In crevices, bushes, colonies, or holes… the homes of insect nests (wasps, bees, hornets, spiders, or anthill) probably aren’t that thrilled about being “invaded” by a giant nose surrounded with fur!
We all know that all insects can bite or sting if they feel threatened or invaded. A curious nose of our small pets is a BIG threat to a tiny bee or wasp… and we all know that they play “catch me if you can!” with our naive little children threatening to either cause a minor wound or wreak havoc. Our pet’s entire livelihood depends on how sensitive they are to the venom! If you don’t physically see the sting or bite happen, it might not be immediately clear as to why your pet may be suffering!
How Serious is an Insect Bite or Sting with my Dog or Cat?
Just like with humans, regardless of your pet’s size, anaphylactic shock or a severe allergic reaction can be fatal to your pet if you aren’t prepared to act quickly! Sometimes even acting quickly isn’t enough, so it is always best to prevent insect bites or stings from happening in the first place.
1.) Maintain proper pest control in all areas around your property, including personally inspecting all perimeters and trees/bushes for nests and colonies several times each week, maybe more or less depending on the season. Be very cautious when using pest control companies to make sure they use safe products around your pets.
**Bees are essential to our environment, and it’s important to educate yourself about the benefits bees have in our world. Suppose you have any colonies or hives forming. In that case, we always like to promote having a service come and remove bee colonies safely to protect our bees in THE environment. Our animals are protected in OUR environment! We want them to live out their little beneficial bee lives… just somewhere safely away from us and our pets! Research humane bee removal services in your area!
Credit to “Poor Chihuahua Owner In Internet Land” for this fantastic picture!!! We hope he got to feeling better quickly!
2.) When hiking or walking with your dog, don’t use a retractable leash! There a hundred reasons why I don’t recommend using a retractable leash (look for another blog on that soon!,) but this (along with snakebites) is one of them! You cannot control your dog 16 feet away from you, nor can you tell what they are putting their nose in! If they have proper leash manners within 6 feet of you, you can easily see and divert their attention away from any dangers while they still enjoy a great walk WITH you!
3.) Keeping your pets indoors significantly (and statistically!) reduces their chances of coming in contact with wildlife dangers like insects! There are MANY other benefits to keeping your pets indoors which will be highlighted in an upcoming blog, so be sure to follow us on the bottom right-hand corner of this page!
Oooooooo… Ouch! That Stings! – Signs That Your Dog or Cat Might Be Bitten or Stung
This is hard with pets because, many times, fur can hide or mask an injury, so be sure you check thoroughly!
Localized Swelling
Pet may incessantly paw, lick, scratch, or bite at the site.
Luckily, bites and stings are USUALLY not life-threatening, but like humans that find out they are allergic to peanuts or shellfish the hard way, you don’t always know how sensitive they are until it happens! Always keep over-the-counter antihistamines on hand at home in your pet first aid kit and with you at all times when out with your dog on walks or hikes! Contact your veterinarian for specific safe antihistamines and correct dosing guidelines for your pets! Beware that many children’s medications contain Xylitol (a sweetener commonly found in sugar-free gum) is very dangerous to pets!
If a stinger is still visible in an animal’s skin, do not grab the stinger and pull it out! Use the edge of a credit card (or something like that) to un-wedge the stinger and guide it out. If you grab or accidentally squeeze the stinger, any venom left will be incidentally injected into your pet. Want to find out more? We have more information on Spider Bites, Snakebites, and some great tips on safe antihistamines and a trick to dosing your pet quickly in our PetSaver: Pet CPR, First Aid & Care For Your Pets Seminar!
It doesn’t stop there! We also cover Canine & Feline CPR, Rescue Breathing, Restraint & Muzzling for Safety, Poisoning, Choking, Heat & Cold Injuries, Burns, Dental Care, Caring for your Senior Pet-izen™, Bleeding & Shock Management, Snout-To-Tail™ Assessment, Seizures, Assessing Your Pet’s Vitals, and Pet First Aid Kit Tips!
Find our most up-to-date schedule and details on our website at www.DallasPetFirstAid.com or visit www.PetTech.net to find an instructor near you!