Top 3 New Year’s Resolutions from your pet…
1. Physical Exercise
You know it is the number one resolution for people, and it is something your pet craves too! As people in your life, some pets are prominent about liking exercise and others… not so much! Regardless, it is good for us and fantastic for our pets! Make it a fun and bonding experience for both of you. It doesn’t have to be a 10-mile walk, but it should be appropriate for your pet’s breed and personality. Getting out for a walk is not only a great time to practice Leash Manners, but it is also a fantastic time to let them explore the world around them and enjoy nature with you. When you can enjoy your walk and learn to be in the moment with them, it takes your relationship with your pet to an entirely new level!
Does your pet not do well on a leash? If you’re interested in working on that, we would be happy to help! We not only offer Professional Dog Walking with Leash Manners incorporated & reinforced into our walk! Contact us for more details!
2. Mental Stimulation (Interactive Toys & Training)
If you were locked in a house with no TV, no internet, no cell phone, and no human interaction all day every day, you’d be chewing the couch too!! There are some AMAZING Interactive toys I recommend to help with this. They span from very simple to very complex, AND a computer even controls some! Starmark, Outward Hound, and Trixie Pet Products make some exciting toys. I also love the KONG wobbler and the Pet IQ ball, and even better, something called the SnuffleMat to eat their meal in every day! You are stimulated every day by the things in your life, and your pet HAS to have that too, or you get behavioral issues! If you want to learn some fantastic new games to stimulate your dog’s intelligence, focus, and training while having a blast with you, contact us to set up a session or check out some of our upcoming workshops!
3. Spend more quality time with YOU!
Everyone has the best of intentions at the beginning of the year with all of their New Year’s Resolutions, but your dog only wants a few things in life every day. If my dogs and my daughter, Lacey (aka #notapuppy in my house), have taught me nothing else, it is to stop and enjoy the snuggles and the laughter. Potato crawled up on my couch last night while working away on my laptop because he just wanted to snuggle as close as he could to me. Of course, I stopped, hugged him, and kissed him because as we fight his cancer, every single moment is precious. No matter how busy things get or how stressful life may seem at the time, my kids always make me feel better, and I want to treasure them! They deserve the best, and the one thing they want most is very simple, very cheap and very easy… YOU!